Marketing standards

Human cultures are based on rules. A business culture isn't much different, except these rules need to be managed, and therefore we call them "company standards". The guidelines for setting a standard are abbreviated SMART. A proper business standard should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and limited to a specific Timeframe. To make it more interesting for those who need to respect the standards, one can add a capital "C" for Challenging (C-SMART).

"Marketing standards - there are none. That simple fact served as a trigger for the development of a standardized marketing plan."

Accounting & financial standards - The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) aim to specify exactly how accountants must maintain and report their accounts, including SMBs. IFRS guidelines, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), set the principles which organizations can use to maintain transparency, accountability, and efficiency to accounting and financial reporting.

"several versions of a standardized marketing plan have been tested over the years by thousands of SMB stakeholders and business students."

Environmental, social and governance standards - The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-governmental organization that aims to drive sustainability and Environmental agendas, along with Social and Governance (ESG) reporting, including SMBs. GRI guidelines for social responsibility are set in conjunction with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 26000), used also by SMBs.

Marketing standards - there are none. That simple fact served as a trigger some 20 years ago, for the development of a marketing standard that could serve many. Serving as an effective management tool, several versions of a standardized marketing plan have been tested over the years by thousands of SMB stakeholders and business students.

To discover our minimal viable solution – start here.

    [1.21] => company
    [2.7] => more than 500
    [2.981] => peer
    [logo] => 57
    [photo] => 58
    [7.3] => no
    [9.15] => it generates some leads.
    [9.22] => no
    [5.5] => making decisions
    [10.1] => at a non-marketer level
    [2.3] => from 5 to 9
    [2.951] => employee
    [2.952] => employees
    [1.275] => private organization
    [2.19] => I have an interest in learning about meaningful marketing to SMEs from a 	 practitioner point of view (learning by doing). 	 For example, as professional development, educator, student or someone 	 acquiring general knowledge in that subject.
    [2.2] => from 2 to 4
    [2.961] => colleague
    [2.991] => colleague
    [1.272] => store
    [7.2] => yes
    [8.11] => Basic
    [6.4] => yes
    [7.14] => is satisfactory and consistent
    [9.12] => no
    [9.14] => it functions as the primary source of sales.
    [9.21] => yes
    [9.401] => yes
    [2.112] => co-owner (partner, stakeholder)
    [2.151] => sales & marketing (including customer service and communication)
    [2.143] => freelance, digital nomad
    [2.81] => you tend to believe that you are a very good manager
    [2.93] => yes
    [5.1] => planning
    [0.41] => attachment
    [2.5] => from 20 to 99
    [8.3] => 4 to 10 products services
    [0.1] => SME (Small or Micro-size Enterprise)
    [0.44] => appendix
    [2.04] => yes
    [2.972] => teammates
    [1.280] => clinic
    [6.7] => other companies (B2B)
    [7.02] => a specific area within United States
    [3.52] => percentage breakdown (with no nominal sales)
    [1.82] => one-woman-show
    [2.1] => I am the sole proprietor
    [2.962] => colleagues
    [services:::6.2] => services
    [6.2] => services
    [6.12] => service
    [8.2] => 2 to 3 products services
    [3.01] => your
    [3.02] => the
    [1.279] => dealership
    [1.25] => yes
    [8.12] => Value
    [7.03] => Israel as a whole
    [7.022] => a larger area beyond the close vicinity of STAR
    [7.15] => could be improved
    [9.16] => it serves solely to provide company business information.
    [2.152] => accounting & finance (including purchasing)
    [2.142] => service provider
    [2.83] => you could improve the way that you manage
    [1.91] => yes
    [1.94] => no
    [5.2] => executing
    [5.6] => taking actions
    [1.23] => yes
    [1.83] => one-human-show
    [7.031] => yes
    [7.021] => approximately a few kilometers of Yankel & Sons
    [3.53] => Option 3 - tendency: high, low, in-between (called a "shoulder" month) or no activity month
    [9.111] => at an introductory level
    [9.331] => f
    [9.52] => no
    [2.191] => you relate it to your professional development
    [5.81] => yes
    [0.2] => SMB (Small or Micro-size Business)
    [0.3] => SMB
    [1.22] => business
    [1.9] => Yankel
    [2] => Doodle
    [1] => Yankel & Sons
    [1.7] =>
    [7.1] => Hungary
    [0.42] => reference
    [1.24] => not yet
    [2.6] => from 100 to 499
    [1.81] => one-man-show
    [2.05] => no
    [2.61] => 300
    [2.611] => 5
    [2.91] => 499
    [2.92] => 499
    [2.982] => peers
    [2.992] => peers
    [products:::6.1] => products
    [6.1] => products
    [6.11] => product
    [8.4] => more than 10 products services
    [ToolsNow2] => 0
    [1.278] => agency
    [1.27] => agency
    [1.26] => no
    [8.13] => Premium
    [6.6] => end users (B2C)
    [7.04] => international markets
    [7.032] => no
    [7.023] => none of the above
    [3.51] => Option 1 - total sales (nominal sales)
    [4.35] => yes
    [4.46] => no, not a close person
    [4.47] => close person
    [4.48] =>
    [9.011] => high quality
    [9.012] => int
    [6.5] => no
    [7.16] => must be improved!
    [9.112] => at an advanced level
    [9.113] => 7
    [10.24] => no
    [9.11] => yes
    [9.131] =>
    [9.132] =>
    [9.17] => it is currently under development.
    [9.20] => no
    [9.82] => no
    [9.31] => yes
    [9.332] => tiktok
    [9.394] => opinion leader
    [9.392] => opinion leader
    [9.402] => no
    [9.40] => We are present in two networks
    [9.51] => yes
    [9.511] => YankelD
    [9.55] => this app generates some leads.
    [9.41] => yes
    [2.111] => owner
    [2.15a] => ownerco-owner (partner, stakeholder)owner
    [2.154] => ICT (information & communication technologies)
    [2.141] => consultant, advisor, mentor, coach
    [2.18] => consultant, advisor, mentor, coachservice providerfreelance, digital nomadconsultant
    [2.193] => you learn (collect) business knowledge
    [2.14] => learn
    [2.20] => working student
    [2.84] => you must improve the way that you manage
    [1.92] => no
    [4.31] => yes
    [1.93] => yes
    [2.94] => not yet
    [10.3] => 0
    [5.3] => controlling
    [5.4] => thinking critically
    [5.72] => 3
    [5.73] => 8
    [5.74] => 3
    [5.75] => 1
    [4.45] => let's contact a close person.
    [4.37] => close person
    [4.38] =>
    [2.03] => people
    [5.711] => 4
    [5.712] => 7
    [5.82] => no
    [10.2] => at an advanced marketing level
    [10.22] => no
    [] => pro support >
    [4] => offering short-term solutions
    [9] => user-friendly approach
    [9.01] => experience
    [9.02] => wow service
    [4.2] => be the leading choice for ski vacations
    [7.5] => transparency, family ethics
    [4.33] => John
    [4.34] => Consult
    [2.15] => I am directly involved within a SME.  	 For example, I have an ownership, managerial, business development, sales or              marketing responsibility, within a SME.
    [3.2] => October
    [3.3] => 2024