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Academic reference
Balanced Scorecard (Robert Kaplan and David Norton, 1992).

advanced level
A practical sales and marketing approach, supported by more advanced digital marketing vocabulary.

advanced marketing level
A practical sales and marketing approach supported by a basic theoretical background that is only a little longer than the non-marketer level option.

affiliate program
An affiliate program is an online third-party sales practice that is remunerated when an intermediary (the affiliate) fulfills the conditions agreed upon with a merchant (the online retailer or "eTailer"). Such conditions specify an action that is to be taken by the users (for example, clicking on a specific banner, submitting contact information, or buying online). There is an affiliate software dedicated to tracking and measuring performance, and paying referral fees accordingly - per click, per lead or per sale.

Stands for Business-to-Business: interacting commercially with other business entities, serving as intermediaries and to reach the clients as end users. Simply put "B to B" or "B2B marketing". In this [0.3] development tool, the term "clients" represents B2B partners (also called indirect marketing, "B2B2C", "channel partners" or "sales channels").

Stands for Business to Client: interacting commercially directly with the clients as end users without any commercial intermediary. Simply put "B to C" or "B2C marketing" (also called direct marketing).

balanced scorecard
The balanced scorecard is a management reporting tool that allows its users to better balance the follow-up between financial and non-financial performance, in correlation with the vision and the corporate strategy (which is why the word "balanced" is a part of its name). For example, when a manager comes back from vacation, he or she should initially seek the main balanced scorecard metrics. Such a tailor-made report is comprised of a series of the most important indicators (Key Performance Indicators or KPI's) for the [1.27] in "four" fields: finance, learning & growth, clients and business processes. Beyond the indicators, the balanced scorecard represents a systematic tool that should be continuously adjusted by its users (also called the "dashboard" or "deck"). Academic reference :  Balanced Scorecard (Robert Kaplan and David Norton, 1992).

A commodity product that often responds to a basic need at an economic price. Such products require little or no thought before purchase and are perceived to have a low level of differentiation. Sometimes, the purchase of such a product is based on an unplanned decision (such as an impulsive purchase of a cold beverage on a hot day).

A basic service that often responds to a basic need at an accessible price. Such a service requires little or no thought before purchase and tends to be perceived as having  a low level of differentiation among one service provider to another (such as between providers of Wi-Fi connectivity).

biz dev
A shorter version for "business development".

brained person
People who tend to be more creative, intuitive and emotional, in comparison to those who seem to be more analytical, logical and rational (the left-brained people). Every person constantly uses both brain hemispheres. However, if you rely more on your right hemisphere, there are a myriad of effects. For example, at a school, it is likely that a right-brained person prefers courses, such as humanities (expressing words), rather than sciences (calculating values).

business plan
A business plan is a holistic document integrating planning, execution, and control of several complementing professional disciplines: finance, operations, human resources, information technology, legal, and marketing. Each discipline represents a plan by itself: financial plan, operations plan or other, and serves as a subsection of the business plan. The integrated sections indicate the viability of a new venture or a revised business model to succeed (also known as "B-Plan").

In digital marketing, a CTA is the trigger that makes ##57.1## ##57.2## ##57.3## respond to marketing content. A CTA is a short message that attempts to persuade the user to perform an immediate desired action. Clicking on a button that says "contact us", "free trial", "add to cart" or "pay here" is an obvious action button. However, such "actions" are not limited to clicking on buttons; they can include subscribing to a newsletter, participating in a short survey, sharing content with a third-party mail address or other. The popularity of any defined call-to-action can be measured by a conversion rate.

Refers to both the customer and the consumer. It is also associated with several synonyms, such as shopper, subscriber and user. Legally, if a client allows you to add their personal data to [3.01/3.02] client database, then that person is a "known client". If no data about a consumer exists in the ##1.21## ##1.22## records, then that client is an "anonymous client".

client relationship marketing
A management philosophy and a software system that allows a ##1.21## ##1.22## to keep track of every interaction with current and past ##57.1## ##57.2## ##57.3## - abbreviated as "CRM". The process of tracking and organizing information on every action, transaction, phone call, eMail or other. with regards to every client, which allows the [1.21/1.22] to better identify, acquire, retain and develop ##57.4## ##57.5##. CRM helps firms improve their quality of service, track the trends of [57.4/57.5] and enhance loyalty. CRM is often associated with big data.

confidentiality agreement
A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that legally forbids revealing any content of your marketing plan to another party.

conversion rate
In foreign exchange, a conversion rate is the ratio between two currencies. In digital marketing it is to do with "unique" users of a website or an app that respond to a desired call-to-action (CTA) that can be digitally tracked. The nature of the online "action" is monitory (based on sales funnel metrics) or non-monitory, such as subscribing to a newsletter, clicking on a banner, downloading content or filling in a survey. The rate between all "unique" users and those who have completed a desired action during a set period of time is measured as a percentage. If 1000 "unique" users are traced in [3.01/3.02] website within a month and 30 of them have clicked on a banner that was pre-defined as a desired action, the conversion rate is 30 divided by 1000, thus 3%.

corporate values
A corporate social responsibility and DEI - diversity, equality, inclusion demonstrate examples of values, beliefs and social impact goals of its founders and managers. Fostering core family values is a great example of a corporate value.")
Many view a management's dedication to upholding these corporate values as a marker of authenticity.
To challenge the authenticity of social values-related activities, the approach of Woke Marketing has emerged Clear values are required to improve the way ##2.992## function within a ##0.3##, such as ##1##. Examples of such values (also called "core values" or "code of conduct") are: "Quality, Safety and Environmental Care" (Volvo, a small Swedish ##1.21## ##1.22## in 1927), "Our employee is our #1 stakeholder" (The Container Store, a small Texan ##1.21## ##1.22## in 1978), or "We stand behind the quality of our ##8.11## ##8.12## ##8.13## ##6.1## ##6.2## ##6.3##" (a promising ##0.3## "funded in ##3.4## ")!

corporate vision
A brief, one or two sentence description of the abstract aspirations of the ##1.27##, without using dates or numbers, on where it is ideally heading in the long run. A more effective vision defines ultimate success and can inspire ##2.992## (this is also called the "vision statement" or the "raison d'être" of the ##1.21## ##1.22##).

dark social
Many tools and services offer [0.3]s to conduct social listening, mostly for free. The output of scanning and monitoring social media interactions can include insights about what people think and feel about a brand, and that is the fuel marketers need most. But if you think about it, there are two facts behind the downturn of "social listening". First, the legal and ethical governmental actions (example, GDPR in the European Union) and second, the invisibility of most digitalized social content. No analytics program can legally nor technically "listen" to social content which appears in eMails, instant messages (WhatsApp, SMS, LinkedIn messenger or other) and other apps. And what about a post to a story on Instagram or Snapchat? Because "social listening" is so limited, try small data instead.

DEI - diversity, equality, inclusion

One of those abbreviations that is more associated with larger corporations, but definitely is of concern to [0.3] stakeholders, mainly [2.992] and clients. "Diversity, equality, and inclusion" are expected social norms in many countries (see Woke Marketing), norms that involve human resources and marketing in any [0.3] that offers a workplace.


Table minus3 – DEI - diversity, equality, inclusion affecting [0.3] marketing and human resources



Marketing concerns (examples)

Motto: Actions speak louder than words

Human resources (HR) concerns

Motto: Different beautiful flowers make a wonderful bouquet

DEI, general

To use DEI common vocabulary to avoid misunderstandings among [2.992], "sales[2.03]" and [3.01/3.02] clients.

("sales[2.03]" only if 2.03 was activated)

To consider adding DEI values to the existing [1.21/1.22] values.

To align [1.21/1.22] declarations and promises with DEI delivery. Referring also to[11.81/11.82] social responsibility.

To prepare an in-house HR DEI program (plan, execute and control it) by treating candidates, [2.992] and former [2.992] as theinternal clients (potential, actual and loyal).

To prove transparency and involve [2.992].

To involve DEI in the so-called "[1.21/1.22] culture".


To accommodate 'diversity' among [3.01/3.02] "sales[2.03] and" clients in order to better cater to their needs while improving communication with them.

("sales[2.03] and" only if 2.03 was activated)

> Diversified teams tend to be more creative!

The presence of heterogeneous population among the [2.992] of a [1.21/1.22] while supporting underrepresented ones.


To support 'equity' by avoiding examples such as the controversial "pink tax" when women are paying more than men for the same offer (such as razors).

> Clients tend to favor any [1.21/1.22] that demonstrates equity (see Triple Bottom Line).

An approach that ensures that candidates and [2.992] have access to the same job opportunities and career plans.


To demonstrate 'inclusion' when communicating with [3.01/3.02] clients bymaking an effort to break stereotypes.

> Clients tend to share content and better identify themselves with such brands (seeTriple Bottom Line).

Means "the action of including or of being included within a group": the candidates and [2.992] to feel the sense of welcome. The [2.992] to witness belonging and value in their team as well as in the workplace, overall.


Individual characteristics upon which differential treatment should not be based (non-discrimination grounds):

Gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or belief, racial or ethnic origin

Glossary 1 - 20 of 68
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    [1.21] => company
    [2.7] => more than 500
    [2.981] => peer
    [logo] => 57
    [photo] => 58
    [7.3] => no
    [9.15] => it generates some leads.
    [9.22] => no
    [5.5] => making decisions
    [10.1] => at a non-marketer level
    [2.3] => from 5 to 9
    [2.951] => employee
    [2.952] => employees
    [1.275] => private organization
    [2.19] => I have an interest in learning about meaningful marketing to SMEs from a 	 practitioner point of view (learning by doing). 	 For example, as professional development, educator, student or someone 	 acquiring general knowledge in that subject.
    [2.2] => from 2 to 4
    [2.961] => colleague
    [2.991] => colleague
    [1.272] => store
    [7.2] => yes
    [8.11] => Basic
    [6.4] => yes
    [7.14] => is satisfactory and consistent
    [9.12] => no
    [9.14] => it functions as the primary source of sales.
    [9.21] => yes
    [9.401] => yes
    [2.112] => co-owner (partner, stakeholder)
    [2.151] => sales & marketing (including customer service and communication)
    [2.143] => freelance, digital nomad
    [2.81] => you tend to believe that you are a very good manager
    [2.93] => yes
    [5.1] => planning
    [0.41] => attachment
    [2.5] => from 20 to 99
    [8.3] => 4 to 10 products services
    [0.1] => SME (Small or Micro-size Enterprise)
    [0.44] => appendix
    [2.04] => yes
    [2.972] => teammates
    [1.280] => clinic
    [6.7] => other companies (B2B)
    [7.02] => a specific area within United States
    [3.52] => percentage breakdown (with no nominal sales)
    [1.82] => one-woman-show
    [2.1] => I am the sole proprietor
    [2.962] => colleagues
    [services:::6.2] => services
    [6.2] => services
    [6.12] => service
    [8.2] => 2 to 3 products services
    [3.01] => your
    [3.02] => the
    [1.279] => dealership
    [1.25] => yes
    [8.12] => Value
    [7.03] => Israel as a whole
    [7.022] => a larger area beyond the close vicinity of STAR
    [7.15] => could be improved
    [9.16] => it serves solely to provide company business information.
    [2.152] => accounting & finance (including purchasing)
    [2.142] => service provider
    [2.83] => you could improve the way that you manage
    [1.91] => yes
    [1.94] => no
    [5.2] => executing
    [5.6] => taking actions
    [1.23] => yes
    [1.83] => one-human-show
    [7.031] => yes
    [7.021] => approximately a few kilometers of Yankel & Sons
    [3.53] => Option 3 - tendency: high, low, in-between (called a "shoulder" month) or no activity month
    [9.111] => at an introductory level
    [9.331] => f
    [9.52] => no
    [2.191] => you relate it to your professional development
    [5.81] => yes
    [0.2] => SMB (Small or Micro-size Business)
    [0.3] => SMB
    [1.22] => business
    [1.9] => Yankel
    [2] => Doodle
    [1] => Yankel & Sons
    [1.7] =>
    [7.1] => Hungary
    [0.42] => reference
    [1.24] => not yet
    [2.6] => from 100 to 499
    [1.81] => one-man-show
    [2.05] => no
    [2.61] => 300
    [2.611] => 5
    [2.91] => 499
    [2.92] => 499
    [2.982] => peers
    [2.992] => peers
    [products:::6.1] => products
    [6.1] => products
    [6.11] => product
    [8.4] => more than 10 products services
    [ToolsNow2] => 0
    [1.278] => agency
    [1.27] => agency
    [1.26] => no
    [8.13] => Premium
    [6.6] => end users (B2C)
    [7.04] => international markets
    [7.032] => no
    [7.023] => none of the above
    [3.51] => Option 1 - total sales (nominal sales)
    [4.35] => yes
    [4.46] => no, not a close person
    [4.47] => close person
    [4.48] =>
    [9.011] => high quality
    [9.012] => int
    [6.5] => no
    [7.16] => must be improved!
    [9.112] => at an advanced level
    [9.113] => 7
    [10.24] => no
    [9.11] => yes
    [9.131] =>
    [9.132] =>
    [9.17] => it is currently under development.
    [9.20] => no
    [9.82] => no
    [9.31] => yes
    [9.332] => tiktok
    [9.394] => opinion leader
    [9.392] => opinion leader
    [9.402] => no
    [9.40] => We are present in two networks
    [9.51] => yes
    [9.511] => YankelD
    [9.55] => this app generates some leads.
    [9.41] => yes
    [2.111] => owner
    [2.15a] => ownerco-owner (partner, stakeholder)owner
    [2.154] => ICT (information & communication technologies)
    [2.141] => consultant, advisor, mentor, coach
    [2.18] => consultant, advisor, mentor, coachservice providerfreelance, digital nomadconsultant
    [2.193] => you learn (collect) business knowledge
    [2.14] => learn
    [2.20] => working student
    [2.84] => you must improve the way that you manage
    [1.92] => no
    [4.31] => yes
    [1.93] => yes
    [2.94] => not yet
    [10.3] => 0
    [5.3] => controlling
    [5.4] => thinking critically
    [5.72] => 3
    [5.73] => 8
    [5.74] => 3
    [5.75] => 1
    [4.45] => let's contact a close person.
    [4.37] => close person
    [4.38] =>
    [2.03] => people
    [5.711] => 4
    [5.712] => 7
    [5.82] => no
    [10.2] => at an advanced marketing level
    [10.22] => no
    [] => pro support >
    [4] => offering short-term solutions
    [9] => user-friendly approach
    [9.01] => experience
    [9.02] => wow service
    [4.2] => be the leading choice for ski vacations
    [7.5] => transparency, family ethics
    [4.33] => John
    [4.34] => Consult
    [2.15] => I am directly involved within a SME.  	 For example, I have an ownership, managerial, business development, sales or              marketing responsibility, within a SME.
    [3.2] => October
    [3.3] => 2024