N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
In economics, a market represents a network where the offer (sellers) and demand (buyers) meet to conclude transactions. Influenced by traditional commerce, the term marketplace focuses on the physical location where the offer meets demand, and metals are traded.
different notions:
1 – The geographical location where a ##1.27## operates, especially if it includes more than one country: "already operating in international markets, this ##0.3## is expanding towards a new market, such as Australia."
2 – The name of the business category that the ##1.27## is classified in, which is also called the "economic sector of activity" or industry: "this ##0.3##, the local leader in the optical services market has declared an entry into the sunglasses market."
In terms of market classification systems, the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) is the system used in most counties, while the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used in North America.
market share
A percentage that represents the proportional output of a ##1.21## ##1.22## (##8## sales, number of units sold or other), in comparison to other competitive players in the market. For most [0.3]s, the indication of a market share is not very relevant. First, in the era of eCommerce and mobile commerce, it is impossible to track all the data from transactions within a market-sector of economic activity. Second, even if such data can be estimated or purchased, it can hardly support management decisions. Market share is required and used mainly by larger corporations, especially in regulated markets where transactions have to be legally monitored by government: financial, pharmaceutical, energy, chemical and a few others.
In this ##0.3## development plan, "marketing" is referred to as the overall promotional and sales activities that a ##0.3## conducts in order to manage (plan, execute and control) its commercial offer. Based on the root A | C | E | R | T, marketing is largely about how to CATER to needs while rarely intending to CREATe needs. To do so, a marketer must know how to REACT in the market after being able to TRACE the strengths of an offer.
The study of marketing is part of a behavioral science that seeks to understand why and how people buy products and services or even buy into experiences and ideologies. As a subtle example, why does it seem that the car drives better just after driving away from a carwash service?
marketing committee
A dedicated group of individuals within a ##1.21## ##1.22## that share a common objective of supporting marketing management, which includes planning objectives, executing actions and controlling standards. Such a committee is more challenging when its members represent diversity and that is why occasionally it is recommended to invite a guest, such as a high-expectation client (HXC).
Marketing plan
A working marketing plan is an ongoing, rolling, practical tool intended to generally support business development, with a particular focus on sales and profitability. The more a ##0.3## is \"on the move\", the more marketing projects there are to manage, which makes it even more important to have a marketing plan. Its output is a working document - or slides - that simply present core information. And each time that selected data needs to be backed up, a supportive annex is required. For a one-page marketing plan template.
marketing strategy
A marketing state of mind of a ##1.21## ##1.22## that clearly favors decisions made to pursue the best shortcut path, which helps the ##1.21## ##1.22## achieve business development. The "optimal" marketing strategy takes into account how to best manage marketing resources to ensure the lowest possible risk.
Finally, the marketing strategy should be in line with the overall corporate strategy. This marketing tool allows you to select the "right" marketing strategy for ##1##.
Medici effect
A phenomenon that refers back to the creative explosion in Florence, Italy (14th to 16th Centuries), when the Medici family brought together people from a variety of disciplines: poets, painters, sculptors, philosophers, architects and scientists. The synergies between those people resulted in new ideas that served as the grounds for the Renaissance era, one of the most inventive periods in history.