N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
A group of people that serve as a representative sample of the actual demand and is labeled by common denominations, mainly based on their needs, for marketing purposes. For ##1##, such specific circles of people are probably ##57.1## ##57.2## ##57.3## and ##57.4## ##57.5##.The size of a segment can be as small as one predominant client (see micro segmentation), while defining a generic group, such as a whole generation, is not helpful, although it is a rather common habit. We do not make use of terms such as "Generation X, Y (or Millennials), Z, Alpha", etc., which defines more than a billion people by clear-cutting birthdates every 15 years: whoever was born between 1965 and 1980 belongs to Generation X, or Gen X, etc.
Besides its size, a relevant and specific segment has to be definable, accessible and profitable. This process helps to couple an offer with its demand and vice versa, while using limited marketing resources (some may write this term as segMENtation as a reminder of its meaning).